Sagacity from George Knapp

April 21, 2018
Stephen Bassett

As was to be expected there has been a great deal of attention given to the efforts of one Tom DeLonge to engage the ET/Disclosure issues. The To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science (probably should have stopped at “Stars”) project is a collaboration between Mr. DeLonge and some very serious former MIC insiders. For this reason alone there has been severe attention, skepticism and criticism of the project, and that is appropriate. In the 70 years since the 1947 events at Roswell, New Mexico, the U.S. Government has given the American people ample justification for the distrust now endemic in the nation. The more important the issue, the more necessary full scrutiny. Presently PRG supports the TTS/AAS initiatives and the persons involved. If that changes, I’ll let you know.

Whatever one thinks of these recent developments, one question is often asked, “Why Tom DeLonge?” Rather than answer that question directly I turn to a most respected journalist who has fearlessly engaged the ET issues for decades. To the question, “Why Tom DeLonge?” posed to him by my colleague Teresa Tindal he replied:

“Short answer—Tom worked it.

He always loved the topic, spent a few years really studying it, and developed a plan. It was far fetched and unlikely, but he dedicated himself to pursuing it—at great personal expense, not only in terms of money but also his time. He used his celebrity status to gain entrance to a few places, and then from there, he worked very hard to sell his idea to the people he met. (I was part of that process and offered advice about how to craft the central message, but HE is the person who made it happen.)

The message was pretty simple—we all know this stuff is real. We know you (the govt/military) have had to lie about it to keep people from freaking out. We know the lie is unsustainable, and also unnecessary. Maybe there is a way out, and a way forward. Let’s try something else. What have you got to lose?

The people he has been dealing with are very serious. They are not in the disinformation business. They are way above that level. Tom has offered them a risk-free way to get out of the corner they’ve painted themselves into. Since he is a rock star, there are any number of ways to discredit him and his effort if it ever became necessary. But it has not become necessary. He has kept every promise he made to these folks, so a few of them came out of the shadows at the beginning, and more will surface, depending on how things go. A few videos were released. The public reacted. The world didn’t melt down. Now it is time for what comes next.

Tom may not be the perfect messenger, and maybe that is one factor in why he got the green light. But the main reason he got it is that he worked hard to make it happen, risked pretty much everything he has on this gamble, and has kept his word. Along the way, he has taken nothing but grief, from UFO folks, from his music fans, from skeptics and debunkers, etc.

He’s done an amazing thing here.

Unlikely..improbable…imperfect….unbelievable to many…but its true. I watched it unfold every step of the way. I don’t think anyone knows for sure where it goes from here, but so far, so good.”
