Project Category: Disclosure Issues

Formal Contact

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding the matter of formal contact and will expand on these points as more information becomes available.

[In no particular order.]

  1. Is there a relationship between formal contact and Disclosure?
  2. How will governments and their citizens handle formal contact when it takes place?
  3. How should the public prepare for such an event?
  4. What would happen if formal contact took place without a prior Disclosure event?
  5. What are the indications that formal contact is a distinct possibility in the near future?
  6. How are the various ways formal contact might unfold?
  7. What is the most profound information that might be divulged or confirmed  by formal contact?



Post-Disclosure World

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding the post-Disclosure world and will expand on these points as more information becomes available. This is the most important section on this website. It will become very extensive as Disclosure approaches.

[In no particular order.]

  1. What are the best resources available to address the extraordinarily complex subject of post-Disclosure?
  2. Who are the key researchers writing in this area?
  3. What is the most likely scenario whereby Disclosure takes place? What is the worst case scenario?
  4. What will happen during the first week, first month, first year post-Disclosure?
  5. How can the public, the government, business, religion, media and politicians prepare for Disclosure?
  6. What kinds of new information might the public expect to receive from their government post-Disclosure? Will they get it?
  7. How can the citizens of nations take advantage of Disclosure? What happens if they don’t?
  8. [The big one.] How will Disclosure change human civilization on the local, national and global levels?


Pre-Disclosure Contact

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding extraterrestrial contact with human beings to date and will expand on these points as more information becomes available. This is the most difficult and controversial section, but for the contactees the most important.

[In no particular order.]

  1. How has the government, media and academia dealt with the contact phenomena?
  2. How many contactees are there?
  3. What have we learned from contactees?
  4. What is the extraterrestrial agenda behind covert contact?
  5. Are government agencies involved? What are the implications of that?
  6. Should contactees be compensated for any suffering arising from their contact when the government finally confirms it is has known for decades this has been going on?
  7. Should contactees become political, join together and lobby for recognition?
  8. Has the matter of covert contact been a major reason government has held on to the policy of truth embargo for so long?
  9. What are the implications we can learn from contactee reports for Disclosure, the post-Disclosure world and open, formal contact?

Truth Embargo

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding the truth embargo and will expand on these points as more information becomes available.

[In no particular order.]

  1. What is the “truth embargo?”  Is it the same as the UFO cover-up?
  2. How was it conducted and why?
  3. Who constructed and maintained the truth embargo?
  4. Was it legal?
  5. What is the connection between the truth embargo and the size and scope of the military/intelligence complex?
  6. What are the costs of this embargo?
  7. What has been the role of the media in the maintenance of the truth embargo?
  8. Has the truth embargo almost ended in the past?
  9. Is there any support within the military/intelligence for ending the truth embargo? What are the indications?

Nuclear Weapons Tampering

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding the matter of nuclear weapons tampering associated with extraterrestrial craft and will expand on these points as more information becomes available.

[In no particular order.]

  1. How important is this genre of evidence?  What are the implications?
  2. Who are the witnesses who have come forward to date?
  3. What are the key resources available to become familiar with this issue?
  4. Who is the leading researcher investigating this issue?
  5. How extensive are these events? Did they occur outside the United States as well?
  6. How has the government – Pentagon, Air Force, Congress – reacted to this evidence?
  7. How has the media reacted to this evidence?
  8. What does this evidence tell us about the extraterrestrial presence?


Secrecy Reform

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding the abuses of power and secrecy by government and the need for secrecy reform and will expand on these points as more information becomes available.

[In no particular order.]

  1. What have we learned about governmental abuse of power and secrecy from the truth embargo?
  2. Could Disclosure be the door to secrecy reform? Why?
  3. What are some of the better resources for understanding the abuse of power and, in particular, secrecy over the past seven decades?
  4. What’s the difference, if any, between the secret empire, deep state and the breakaway civilization?
  5. What are the consequences if the American people do not exert their power to reform the national security infrastructure?
  6. How has the extraterrestrial presence contributed to the size and scope of the military/intelligence complex?
  7. Why doesn’t the media push back harder against the abuses of power and secrecy and, most importantly, the manipulation of the public in service to war making?
  8. Can trust in government be restored in this century, this decade?

Sequestered Technology

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers addressing any of these issues for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding advanced technologies sequestered behind the truth embargo and will expand on these points as more information becomes available.

[In no particular order.]

  1. What kind of technology was derived from crashed extraterrestrial vehicles?
  2. Has this technology been researched and re-engineered?
  3. [The big one] What are the implications for human civilization and the planet if these technologies are brought into the public domain?
  4. What is the evidence supporting the assertions of sequestered technologies of extraterrestrial origin?
  5. What will be the proprietary status of these technologies post-Disclosure?


To the Stars Academy Initiative

See television news coverage HERE.
See print media coverage HERE.

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding Tom DeLonge’s projects and will expand on these points as more information becomes available.

[In no particular order.]

  1. What is Mr. DeLonge’s history related to the extraterrestrial presence matter?
  2. What is the assessment of the team that was put together for the To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTS/AAS)?
  3. How significant is this project for the Disclosure advocacy movement?
  4. Is the creation of a public service corporation to raise money from the public a good or bad idea?
  5. What is the long term strategy of the Academy?
  6. What is the strategy of Pentagon and CIA insiders who elected to engage Mr. DeLonge for this project?
  7. What is the Pentagon’s view of this project? The CIA’s view?
  8. What is PRG’s assessment of this project?
  9. What are the connections between the Academy, the Clinton Team and Bigelow Aerospace?
  10. What does PRG expect to see from the Academy for the rest of 2018?
  11. How significant was the information released by the New York Times on December 16, 2017 with assistance from the DeLonge team?
  12. What is PRG’s assessment of various criticisms directed at the DeLonge and the Academy?

Clinton/ET Connection

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers addressing any of these issues for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding the Clinton/ET Connection and will expand on these points as more information becomes available. Important related content can be found in the Rockefeller Initiative section.

[In no particular order.]

  1. Why did John Podesta participate in the SciFi (now SyFy) Channel funded Coalition for Freedom of Information launched on October 22, 2002 in coordination with the premiere of Steven Spielberg’s series Taken?
  2. More specifically, why did John Podesta choose that moment to call for the release of all government held UFO files 21 months after President Clinton had left office?
  3. Why did John Podesta leave his position as CEO of the Center for American Progress and return to the White House on October of 2013 as an adviser to President Obama?
  4. Why did John Podesta post his now famous “Regret Tweet” on his last day working for the President on his way to being the co-chair of Secretary Clinton’s campaign?
  5. Did the Clinton team make the decision that Secretary Clinton would upon taking the White House be the “Disclosure President?” At what point was that decision made?
  6. Why did Government Bill Richardson write his foreword to the book Roswell Dig Diaries just as he was gearing up to run for president?
  7. To what degree was Vice President Al Gore aware of the Rockefeller Initiative and the Clinton’s intentions regarding the ET issue?
  8. To what degree was President Clinton stonewalled by government agencies regarding any requests for ET related information he had a Constitutional supported right to receive without redaction? How did he feel about that?
  9. Why did Governor Clinton ask Webster Hubbell to look into the UFO matter once he was ensconced at the Department of Justice?
  10. Why did John Podesta agree to work with Tom DeLonge  and his projects in the middle of a presidential campaign? Was this decision run by Secretary Clinton?
  11. What does President Clinton and Secretary Clinton privately think about the evidence for an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race?
  12. Was President Clinton formally briefed by the Pentagon and/or other government agency about the extraterrestrial issue?
  13. Given what was said by the Clinton team during the presidential campaign, why have they not said anything further since the election?
  14. What would happen if the Clintons were to publicly speak at length to the extraterrestrial issue now.
  15. How could journalist George Stepanopoulus after leaving the Clinton administration in 1996 have sat on the Rockefeller Initiative story for 22 years?




Rockefeller Initiative

PRG will address in the Issues section those Disclosure related subjects it considers most important at this time. Over the coming weeks these topics will be developed. If you would like to submit articles or white papers for review to be considered for full or partial inclusion in this section, please send them to PRG.

In this section PRG will address the following considerations regarding the Rockefeller Initiative and will expand on these points as more information becomes available. Many of the key documents can be viewed HERE.

[In no particular order.]

  1. What is the Rockefeller Initiative (RI)?
  2. Who were the people involved?
  3. Why did it happen?
  4. How important is this initiative to the history of the Disclosure advocacy movement?
  5. What are the best resources available to learn about this initiative? Who is the leading researcher?
  6. Why was the Rockefeller Initiative able to fly under the radar of the political media, the Congress and the White House for twenty-eight years?
  7. Why have the Clintons and their key colleagues and advisers never spoken publicly about the RI.
  8. What role did the RI play in the 2016 presidential election?
  9. When was the RI first mentioned in a mainstream print publication after 1996?  Who was the reporter?
  10. How close did the RI come to triggering Disclosure?





July 24, 1997 – DOD “Case Closed” Press Conference