Open Letters

Over the years PRG published a number of open letters to political leaders and the media. The primary aim was to keep the pressure on and let them know the Disclosure advocacy movement was not going away. The greater emphasis was on those associated with the Rockefeller Initiative – the Clintons and their key associates.



Open Letter to Al Gore
January 29, 2007


Dear Mr. Gore:

On February 25, 2007 at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood you will stand before a worldwide audience to accept a well deserved Academy Award for “Best Documentary.”  This moment will be a hallmark in a most remarkable political story.  A man comes within a few votes of being President of the United States, puts aside the enormous personal disappointment, shuns a comfortable retirement, subsumes his ego and takes on the grueling work of raising public awareness toward a critical issue “one PowerPoint presentation at a time.”

An Inconvenient Truth about the dangers of global warming has broken through a ridicule curtain of misinformation and propaganda preventing the nations and peoples of the world from properly engaging a challenging reality.  It has remade you a leader to which millions have turned for guidance and solutions which you provided in your documentary.  And therein lies the problem.  The solutions you propose are not commensurate with either the time frame or the severity of the consequences you predict.  Those frightened by these consequences are frustrated as they consider the degree of cooperation demanded by nations and institutions to address this emergency before it is too late.  They consider the present state of world affairs and lose hope for a positive outcome.

Many of the solutions you present are based upon existing and projected technological innovation.  What if there were technology capable of dramatically advancing and accelerating the solution process, and this technology was being withheld as a government policy?   Would it not be unethical to allow that to continue?

Such technology does exist.  It was derived from the energy and propulsion systems of crashed vehicles of extraterrestrial origin.  It is sequestered in government research facilities where it remains today hostage to a six decade “truth embargo” imposed by the U. S. government on the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet Earth and the human race.  It is reserved for weaponry, not for global warming response.

I believe you already know this via contacts made during years of study of national security, arms control and nuclear proliferation issues while in the Senate and from your service as an active and powerful vice president.  If you are not aware of the validity behind this “other inconvenient truth,” ask your good friends Bill and Hillary Clinton or President Clinton’s senior policy advisor, John Podesta.  They watched from the Oval Office while billionaire Laurance Rockefeller worked through the Office of Science and Technology Policy for three years to persuade the Clinton administration to end the truth embargo – the Rockefeller Initiative.  John Podesta would later call for the release of all government documents relevant to the extraterrestrial issue during two press conferences at the National Press Club in October of 2002 and 2003.  Or you could ask Jimmy Carter who approved two studies of extraterrestrial phenomena during the first months of his presidency before both were shut down by the Department of Defense and members of his own administration.

This is not a political issue so much as it is a moral issue.   When you stand at the podium in the Kodak Theater, let the people know there was something missing from your film.  Tell your audience there are powerful solutions, extraterrestrial in origin, to which they have a right to know about and to access.  The auditorium will explode with a response that will astound you – a response that will expand to billions of people who must know the truth about the world in which they live in order to fix it.   It will not be convenient or without risk, but it is the right thing to do.


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814





Open Letter to Al Gore
October 15, 2007


Dear Mr. Gore:

On January 29 of this year PRG published an open letter to you in anticipation of your winning the “Best Documentary” Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth at the 79th Annual Academy Awards.  That letter made two essential points: 1) your political career and areas of specialty as a senator and vice president were such you are aware of and/or have been briefed on some or all of the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race for at least the past sixty years, and 2) propulsion and energy technologies associated with extraterrestrial vehicles obtained by the United States military and under development for decades must be brought out from behind the government imposed truth embargo and placed in the service of addressing the dire warnings you have raised concerning the near- and long-term effects of global warming.

Nine months have passed.  You did not respond to this open letter, and none of the presidential candidates who wish to lead the most powerful nation in the world have dared in forum after forum to address the extraterrestrial/truth embargo issues. Nevertheless, you have had quite a year culminating with your being awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.   In between you picked up an Emmy.

In your post-Nobel Prize announcement remarks you repeatedly referred to the “consciousness raising” aspect of the global warming challenge.  Your point is valid, but it is worth noting the motivation behind this potential increase in global consciousness would be fear-based in much the same way the threat of international terrorism alters human behavior.  The environmental movement began in similar fashion, arising out of the dire and also controversial warnings from Rachel Carson in her landmark book, Silent Spring.   But even Carson would have been impressed with the behavioral changes your message calls for.

The multiplicity of solutions to the global warming crisis you offer will require an unprecedented modification in collective worldview never before seen in human affairs within any time frame, let alone the one or two decades suggested.  In short, you need all the help you can get – help that includes powerful, non-fear-based components.

With all due respect for global warming’s potency as a change agent, that and nothing else comes close to the formal disclosure of the presence of non-human, intelligent beings for getting the human race’s attention.  It will and properly should be the most profound event in human history.  If you wish for the human race to see itself as a singular species shepherd to its one and only home planet, helping to end the truth embargo will significantly improve that prospect.

But, as stated above, there is a significant bonus to this strategy.    Behind the truth embargo is sequestered extraterrestrial technology which, if brought into the public arena, could completely alter the tipping point equations presently scaring many out of their wits.  In fact, there is no issue impacting the human condition that this technology could not materially affect for the better.

Jimmy Carter knows this, Bill Clinton knows this, George H. W. Bush know this – they will not publicly speak to it.  Will you speak for them?


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344



Open Letter to Barack Obama and John McCain


October 17, 2008


Dear Senators:

In less than three weeks one of you will be President Elect of the United States.  When you take office on January 20, 2009 you will inherit a nation in crisis.  One notable indicator of this crisis is the unprecedented approval/trust ratings of the executive and legislative branches of government and the political press.   The faith of the American people in the presidency, the congress and the media is so low the social contract itself is at the breaking point.

The public grants candidates and office holders the odd fib, occasional white lie, and exaggerated resume, but will not abide government lying about matters of life and death, war and peace, and the very nature of reality.  Since 1947 there have been numerous breaches of public trust, but none more dangerous or impacting than the decision to withhold from the American people the facts behind an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

Formal acknowledgement of this extraordinary circumstance was initially withheld for national security reasons.  This is understandable.

However, the pervasive and uninterrupted occurrences of extraterrestrial-related phenomena worldwide prompted a direct intervention into the citizen efforts to understand what was happening.   Thus was created the most extensive propaganda/disinformation campaign in history often referred to as a cover-up but best described as a truth embargo.   Citizens were threatened and harmed, research/activist organizations infiltrated and dismantled, newspapers and television networks recruited, false stories planted, documents destroyed, presidents denied information and Congress denied oversight.   This is less understandable.

After the Cold War ended in 1991 military and agency employees witness to events and evidence confirming the extraterrestrial presence began coming forward.  Public awareness of the extraterrestrial issue grew and seventeen years later is essentially universal.   Nations such as France, China, the United Kingdom, Mexico and Brazil are releasing relevant classified documents and cooperating with citizen research organizations.   But the United States government’s policy of embargo remains unchanged.   This is unacceptable.

The truth embargo’s end and formal acknowledgment of the extraterrestrial presence are inevitable.  What remains to be determined are when it happens, how much further damage is done to the public’s trust, and which nation will act first.

After the election you are going to receive many thousands of letters, faxes and emails from citizens of many nations calling for you to 1) demand a full briefing from your military services and intelligence agencies, 2) press for open and comprehensive congressional hearings, 3) formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, and 4) release into the public domain extraterrestrial derived technologies, secretly studied and reverse engineered for six decades, and now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.

As President Elect reach out to your party’s allies within the military and intelligence communities.  When you take office conduct the necessary meetings with the cross agency committees managing the extraterrestrial presence issue.  In the spring of 2009, before the truth embargo becomes your embargo, initiate disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and begin rebuilding the trust of the American people in their government and the standing of your country in the world.


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director


        4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814        PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.orgt 202-215-8344



Open Letter to Barack Obama
November 21, 2008


Dear Mr. President Elect:

On October 17, 2008 PRG published an open letter to the candidates calling for them to make preparations to end the six-decade truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   This letter reiterates that request.

Your staff is now aware that letters, faxes and emails are arriving at your former Senate office and the Washington, DC transition headquarters.   In general this correspondence will ask of you the following:

1)  demand a full briefing from your military services and intelligence agencies regarding what they know and what they are doing about extraterrestrial related phenomena.  If you are told you do not have the proper clearance for this information, replace that person with someone who has read the Constitution.

2)  press for open and comprehensive congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of government witnesses who have already come forward with extraordinary evidence and are prepared to testify under oath.

3)  formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence and finally end the truth embargo after 61 years.

4)  make available for open development technologies which have been secretly studied and reverse engineered for decades with unlimited black budget funding.  These technologies are derived from extraterrestrial vehicles and are now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and societal challenges of our time.

PRG is well aware of your intention to launch a high technology “New Deal” code named “New Apollo Project” to restore America’s economy.   This massive program to subsidize green technology development, create jobs, expand the manufacturing base and reverse the trade imbalance will be likely accompanied by legislation prohibiting overseas hiring and offshore manufacturing.

All well and good, but it will not be enough.   The challenges are too great and the response to these challenges too long delayed.   It is essential the paradigm breaking technologies hidden in unacknowledged special access programs and sequestered behind the extraterrestrial truth embargo be included.

If you are in need of counsel to assist you in these matters, you have but to turn to your transition co-chair, John Podesta.    His efforts to end the truth embargo and release all relevant government documents date back to at least 1993 and the Rockefeller Initiative.   PRG believes he is fully aware of the extraterrestrial presence and is committed to creating more open, transparent governance.   In this he is in sync with the chief financial backer of his Center for American Progress think tank, George Soros.

Reach out to your party’s allies within the military services and intelligence agencies.  When you take office conduct the necessary meetings with the cross agency committees managing the extraterrestrial presence issue.  In the spring of 2009, before the truth embargo becomes your embargo, initiate the most profound event in human history and begin rebuilding the trust of the American people in their government and the standing of your country in the world.


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director


Rockefeller Initiative:  and
New York Times:
Coalition for Freedom of Information:


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814  202-215-8344



July 13, 2009     

Open Letter to the White House Press Corps

The above quote is taken from a plaque donated to the National Press Club in 1962 by the Columbia School of Journalism on the occasion of the school’s 50th anniversary. It says a great deal in a few words and has never been truer than it is today.

The reporters who sit in the West Wing press briefing room week in and week out have more access to the ruling administration of the United States than all the world’s other reporters combined.  They and their counterparts covering the Departments of State and Defense have an enormous responsibility to protect the public’s vested interests in good governance and right policy.  Failure to stand for the public’s right to know brings down the nation, the people and the press – together. 

Indeed it is all too clear the United States is in decline on multiple fronts, and the media have not done their job.  Nothing demonstrates this more conclusively than the failure of the political press to appropriately engage the explosion into the world in the 1940’s of an unidentified aerial phenomenon.   As years passed and evidence amassed confirming a non-terrestrial, non-human basis for this phenomenon, the White House press corps was mute.   As government witness after witness came forward – military officers, air traffic controllers, policemen, astronauts, pilots, intelligence personnel – the White House press corps was mute.

When other nations issued confirmatory reports such the French COMETA study in 2000, released thousands of classified files into the public domain, cooperated with indigenous UFO research organizations, the U. S. administrations did nothing and the White House press corps was silent.

Then high level political figures such as former Clinton adviser and chief of staff John Podesta called for the release of all UFO documents in government files – twice at the National Press Club – the White House press corps asked nothing.   When former congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, Secretary of Energy, presidential candidate and Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, wrote that the Air Force explanation for the July 1947 Roswell, NM events was unsatisfactory and all relevant government files relating to those events should be released, the White House press corps asked nothing.

Most unsettling of all, a billionaire friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Laurance Rockefeller, made a three-year effort (1993-1996) to convince President Clinton to release all UFO documents in government files, grant amnesty to government personnel who came forward with information and end the truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   Thirteen years after the end of that failed initiative no member of the White House press corps has ever posed a single question about that initiative to any of the powerful political figures who knew about it and/or were involved – Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Leon Panetta, Albert Gore, Jr., Bill Richardson, Dr. John Gibbons, and others. 

Right now letters, faxes and emails are pouring into the White House Correspondents’ Association calling on the press corps to rediscover the Fourth Estate’s proper role and challenge the now 62-year misrepresentation of reality by the State.   It is not necessary, though welcomed, for the entire corps to rise up together – only that a few find the courage to place the public’s right to know ahead of their job and their privileged position in that room. 



Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 t t 202-215-8344




Open letter to the
Honorable Hillary Clinton
United States Senate
Washington, DC

April 30, 2008

Dear Senator Clinton:

In March 1993 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller initiated an extraordinary approach to your husband’s administration via the Office of Science and Technology Policy headed by Dr. John Gibbons. A memorandum from Mr. Rockefeller’s attorney Henry Diamond dated March 29, 1993 conveyed a request to meet with Gibbons “to discuss the potential availability of government information about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life.”  Rockefeller, a friend and supporter of you and your husband, wanted to meet with the President and inform him “there is a belief in many quarters that the government has long held classified information regarding UFOs which has not been released and that the failure to do so has brought about unnecessary suspicion and distrust,” and that “Many believe that the release of such information on a basis consistent with national security would be a significant gesture which would increase confidence in government.”

Thus began a three-year effort by a notable American to convince your husband to essentially be the “Disclosure President” and end a then 46-year truth embargo on providing the full facts to the American people regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This effort, which included meetings, reports, briefings, a book, draft letters to the President and more, came to be known as the Rockefeller Initiative. You were aware of this initiative from the beginning as was a key advisor to the President, John Podesta. You and your husband met with Rockefeller at his Wyoming ranch in August of 1995. Your husband tasked a close friend, Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, to look into the UFO issue at the Department of Justice and elsewhere. He tasked John Podesta, his eventual Chief of Staff, to reform and accelerate the document declassification process.  You were kept informed of the ongoing initiative and helped draft a letter from Rockefeller to the President. It is notable that John Podesta, the founder and now CEO of the Center for American Progress, in 2002 and 2003 called for the release to the public of all UFO and related documents in government files. In 2004 Governor Bill Richardson, UN Ambassador and Secretary of Energy during your husband’s administration, made a similar request for documents pertaining to the events in Roswell, New Mexico during July of 1947.

These facts are known from news articles, public records and, most importantly, from nearly 1000 pages of correspondence and documents obtained by researcher Grant Cameron from the Office of Science and Technology Policy via the Freedom of Information Act. Additional relevant documents are expected to be released soon from the Clinton Presidential Library.

Senator, it is your ambition to reach a significant milestone in American history by becoming the first President of the United States who happens to be a woman, or put another way, the 49th female head of state. While this would be an admirable legacy, what the American people need is less legacy and more truth. The people have lost patience with “in loco parentis” government that treats them like children and candidates with long lists of issues they can’t discuss because it is not convenient to their campaign or the people “can’t handle the truth.”

Because you have been introduced to these matters within the context of the White House, because you aspire to the highest office in the nation, you have an extraordinary opportunity and primary obligation to address what is easily the most profound issue of our time – an issue with major national security and policy implications.


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

*      Key OSTP documents relevant to the Rockefeller Initiative:

*       OSTP documents referring to the then First Lady: ,

*       Rockefeller Initiative narrative:

4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814s s 202-215-8344





Open Letter to  Senator Scott Brown
February 18, 2011

Senator Scott Brown
United State Senate
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Brown:

You have just published a personal memoir, Against All Odds, in which you relate some of the challenges you faced as a child. As told in the book and to Lesley Stahl of CBS’s 60 minutes, you were physically abused by members of your immediate family and sexually abused by a camp counselor. You wrote that you overcame these challenges and went on to have a successful life.

This is, of course, a very personal story that would normally not be a matter for Paradigm Research Group to address in an open letter. However, there are two aspects to your story which prompt me to write to you at this time.

The successful life you achieved included becoming the junior senator from Massachusetts where you now represent the interests of your state, and of equal importance, the nation. In regard to the latter I noted with great interest your comments on what it is like to be a sexual abuse victim. You stated your abuser threatened to kill you if you told anyone. Furthermore, he told you that if you did speak out, no one would believe you. You made it clear this was not something anyone, let alone a child, should have to face.

Senator Brown, there is something quite important you need to know. Beginning in the summer of 1947, and more formally in early 1953, the United States government instituted a policy of embargo on the formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This policy was initiated for national security reasons and pursued with great vigor and considerable resources. This truth embargo, while it has weakened considerably during the past ten years, remains in place to this day.

History will argue at length whether this embargo was good policy and lasted too long. Whatever that verdict may be, history will show that information was withheld, disinformation was introduced into the public domain, researchers were intimidated and perhaps murdered, research organizations were infiltrated and dismantled, and witnesses to events and evidence were threatened.

It is the matter of witness intimidation that is most germane to this letter. You see, Senator, as reported to researchers, it was not uncommon for representatives of the U.S. military and intelligence agencies to tell witnesses they would be killed if they spoke about their UFO/ET experiences. They were also told that even if they did speak out, no one would believe them.

Senator, the Cold War has been over for twenty years. We are well into the 21st Century. Does it concern you the United States Congress has done nothing to resolve this matter and has next to no oversight of the secret structures that manage the extraterrestrial issue? Does it concern you that American presidents are not fully briefed on this matter or the depth of their briefing if often based upon their political affiliation?

And finally, should a policy which at one time treated the American people the way you were once treated by a sexual abuser, continue?


Stephen Bassett
Executive Director


4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814





Open Letter to Secretary Clinton

March 15, 2016

Secretary Hillary Clinton
Post Office Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256

Dear Secretary Clinton:

In March 1993 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller initiated an extraordinary approach to your husband’s administration via the Office of Science and Technology Policy headed by Dr. John Gibbons. A memorandum from Mr. Rockefeller’s attorney Henry Diamond dated March 29, 1993 conveyed a request to meet with Gibbons “to discuss the potential availability of government information about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life.” Rockefeller, a friend and supporter of you and your husband, wanted to meet with the President and inform him “there is a belief in many quarters that the government has long held classified information regarding UFOs which has not been released and that the failure to do so has brought about unnecessary suspicion and distrust,” and that “Many believe that the release of such information on a basis consistent with national security would be a significant gesture which would increase confidence in government.”


Thus began a three-year effort by a notable American to convince your husband to essentially be the “Disclosure President” and end a then 46-year truth embargo on providing the full facts to the American people regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This effort, which included meetings, reports, briefings, a book, draft letters to the President and more, came to be known as the Rockefeller Initiative.

You were aware of this initiative from the beginning as was a key advisor to the President, John Podesta. You and your husband met with Rockefeller at his Wyoming ranch in August of 1995. Your husband tasked a close friend, Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, to look into the UFO issue at the Department of Justice and elsewhere. He tasked John Podesta, his eventual Chief of Staff, to reform and accelerate the document declassification process. You were kept informed of the ongoing initiative and helped draft a letter from Rockefeller to the President. It is notable that John Podesta, the founder and now CEO of the Center for American Progress, in 2002 and 2003 called for the release to the public of all UFO and related documents in government files. In 2004 Governor Bill Richardson, UN Ambassador and Secretary of Energy during your husband’s administration, made a similar request for documents pertaining to the events in Roswell, New Mexico during July of 1947.


These facts are known from news articles, public records and, most importantly, from nearly 1000 pages of correspondence and documents obtained in 2000 by researcher Grant Cameron from the Office of Science and Technology Policy via the Freedom of Information Act. Additional relevant photos were later obtained from the Clinton Presidential Library.

From March 29, 1993 until the present day no member of the Clinton Administration involved in or privy to the Rockefeller Initiative has ever spoken publicly about it. Besides yourself, this includes President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Governor Bill Richardson, Secretary Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty, Webster Hubbell, John Podesta and the late Dr. John Gibbons.

In April/May of 2013 a mock congressional hearing was conducted at the National Press Club. Included in the 30 hours of testimony before six former members of the U.S. Congress were three hours of testimony on the Rockefeller Initiative. One year later, as your presidential campaign was being set up, the following series of events came about:


(April 2, 2014) President Clinton appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live and arranges to be asked about aliens.

(February 13, 2015) Upon leaving his post as advisor to President Obama, John Podesta tweets: “1. Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere cc: @NYTimesDowd”

(March 13, 2015) President Obama appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live and arranges to be asked about aliens.

(September 29, 2015) Two weeks before the first Democratic primary debate referring to your interview with actress Lena Dunham, John Podesta tweets: “Great interview, @lenadunham. But Lena, ask her about aliens next time!! #TheTruthisOutThere cc: @HillaryClinton”

(October 6, 2015) President Clinton appears on the Late Show with Stephen Colbertand arranges to be asked about aliens.

(December 30, 2015) You make extraordinary statements regarding the ET issue to Conway Daily Sun reporter Daymond Steer while campaigning in New Hampshire.

(February 11, 2016) President Obama appears on the Ellen Show knowing he would be asked about aliens.

(March 1, 2016) While campaigning in Nevada prior to the Democratic caucus, John Podesta gives an interview to Steve Sebelius of KLAS TV Las Vegas when, among other comments, he confirms your statements to the Conway Daily Sun were serious.


It would appear there is an unprecedented political subtext pointing to an unstated agenda on the part of your campaign regarding an issue of profound importance. But this agenda remains deliberately obscure with repeated requests from the media regarding the matter ignored.


It is your ambition to reach a significant milestone in American history by becoming the first President of the United States who happens to be a woman, or put another way, the 69th female head of state. While this would be an admirable legacy, what the American people need is less legacy and more truth. The people have lost patience with “in loco parentis” government that treats them like children and candidates with long lists of issues they can’t discuss because it is not convenient to their campaign or the people “can’t handle the truth.”


Because you were introduced to these matters within the context of the White House, because you aspire to the highest office in the nation, you have an extraordinary opportunity and primary obligation to directly and unambiguously address what is easily the most significant issue of this or any other time – an issue with major national security and policy implications. 


Madam Secretary, if you choose to speak truth to power, it is not enough to select those truths that are convenient or safe or self-serving. You must speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth and place your fate in the hands of history.



Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group 



Open Letter to Presidential Debate Moderators
September 9, 2016


Lester Holt
NBC Nightly News Anchor

Martha Raddatz
CNN Chief Global Affairs Correspondent/This Week Co-Anchor

Anderson Cooper
CNN Anchor

Chris Wallace

Fox News Sunday Anchor

In the coming weeks you will be moderating three presidential debates between Secretary Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Under the rules of the Commission on Presidential Debates the DNC, RNC and the Commission cannot influence and will not know the questions you plan to ask the candidates. Therefore, you and you alone stand between those who seek the most powerful office in the country and the people’s right to know.

Many journalists, politicians and activists have complained about the questions being directed at the candidates in the dozens of previous debates and forums. A wide range of significant subjects are ignored, while great attention is paid to matters both trivial and even prurient. Voters are not learning what the candidates know about matters of great importance to the country and national security. This letter addresses one such matter.

During the past two years over 500 mainstream news articles (English and foreign language press) have been written about the connection between Secretary Clinton, President Clinton and many of their political colleagues and the extraterrestrial presence issue. This connection centers on events that took place between March of 1993 and October of 1996 – the Rockefeller Initiative – an effort funded by Laurance Rockefeller to convince President Clinton to release all relevant files and grant amnesty to witnesses who might come forward with important information.

It is notable that since 1993 four members of the Clinton Administration, who were involved in or aware of the Rockefeller Initiative, have held or sought the presidency six times and never spoken about it.  For reasons unknown the media chose not to report this extraordinary engagement by the Clinton White House. But that changed in February of 2015.

Publications that have written about this connection since February of 2015 include: CBS News, Chicago Tribune, Conway Daily Sun, Epoch Times, Guardian (UK),Huffington Post, Mother Jones, NBC News, New Republic, New York, New York Daily News, New York Observer, New York Times, Roll Call, The Hill, The Week (UK),  Times of London (UK), Vanity Fair, Vice, Washington Post, Washington Times and many more.

With one exception, beginning in January of 2015 many reporters have contacted the Clinton campaign, including co-chairman John Podesta, about the Clinton/ET/ Rockefeller Initiative connection and received no response. The exception, Daniel Oberhause of Vice, received an evasive and limited response from Mr. Podesta. As a result of this media pressure, since February of 2015 John Podesta, Secretary Clinton, President Clinton and President Obama have made numerous written and spoken statements about the extraterrestrial (UFO) issue, but without any mention of the Rockefeller Initiative. These statements follow other related comments by John Podesta in 2002 and 2003 and President Clinton in 2005 and 2014 and generated hundreds of articles world wide.

The engagement of the Clinton White House with the extraterrestrial issue is one of the most important political stories in history. Yet, it was not covered by the press until February of 2015. Comments by Secretary Clinton and her campaign co-chair during her presidential campaign are unprecedented. The issue has enormous implications for the nation and its security.

Remarkably, despite the hundreds of print articles about the Clinton/ET connection, no network moderator of the nine Democratic debates and ten forums asked a single question about this connection. This oversight is now in your hands to correct. Here are examples of questions that could be asked:

Secretary Clinton, your husband tasked Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell to look into the UFO/ET issue. His advisor and Chief of Staff John Podesta has spoken to the UFO/ET issue repeatedly. Your husband’s Secretary of Energy and UN Ambassador Bill Richardson in 2004 challenged the Air Force explanation of the July 1947 Roswell events. You were directly involved in the Rockefeller Initiative. But none of you have ever publicly spoken of the Rockefeller Initiative for now on 23 years. Why is that?

Secretary Clinton, my network has reviewed hundreds of pages of documents regarding the engagement of the UFO/ET issue by your husband’s administration from 1993 to 1996 at the behest of Laurance Rockefeller. Why haven’t you or your husband ever publicly spoken of this?

Secretary Clinton, the Rockefeller Initiative wound down in the fall of 1996. Your husband ran for a second term and you have run twice for the presidency. Shouldn’t the engagement of the UFO/ET issue by your husband’s administration have been mentioned during these campaigns?

Secretary Clinton, your campaign chairman John Podesta publicly raised the issue of releasing all government held UFO files in 2002, 2003, 2010 and most recently in 2015. Why was he doing that as early as 2002? Are his statements connected back to the Rockefeller Initiative from 1993 to 1996?

Secretary Clinton, my publication has seen documents from your husbands Office of Science and Technology Policy which indicate you and your staff were directly involved in the Rockefeller Initiative. Why were no UFO files released? Did the Pentagon refuse to cooperate? If so, isn’t that a Constitutional breach?

Secretary Clinton, you recently made some extraordinary statements to a reporter from the Conway Daily Sun that no Republican or Democratic president or presidential candidate have ever made. You said you would “get to the bottom” of the UFO issue if elected. You suggested a task force be created to investigate Area 51. You had promised your campaign chairman John Podesta you would investigate the issue if elected. You suggested we may have been visited already, but don’t know. These statements were reported around the world in hundreds of media venues. Are you surprised no debate or town hall moderators have asked you about these statements? Are these statements related back to the Rockefeller Initiative during your husband’s administration.

Secretary Clinton, repeated polling has shown that more that 80% of the American people believe their government is not telling the truth regarding the UFO/ET phenomena. Do you think the people are being told the truth?

Secretary Clinton, many Air Force officers with high security clearances have come forward with reports of nuclear tampering incidents by craft of unknown origin? Their testimony has been reported by hundreds of media venues. Why has the White House or the Congress never responded to this testimony?

Secretary Clinton, my network is aware there are scores of military/agency/political witnesses of rank and station ready to testify before Congress about the UFO/ET issue. The Congress has not held a hearing on the UFO/ET issue since 1968. Should new hearings in Congress be held for these witnesses?

Secretary Clinton, if there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, why should the American people have to wait for the next President to confirm this? Shouldn’t the current president do so?

Secretary Clinton, is it acceptable to you that any president should be on a need to know only basis regarding any aspect of national security, including the UFO/ET issue?

Secretary Clinton, are you aware the President Jimmy Carter was also denied access to UFO/ET information and the Pentagon, CIA, NASA and the Air Force refused to cooperate with his desire to formally study the UFO/ET issue out of the White House?

Secretary Clinton, when you and your husband met with Laurance Rockefeller at his JY Ranch in August of 1995, did you discuss with Mr. Rockefeller his initiative to have your husband release all government held UFO files, given that effort had been underway for over two years at that time?

Secretary Clinton, photos obtained from the Clinton library show you in 1995 walking with Laurance Rockefeller at his Wyoming ranch and carrying a book titled, Are We Alone?: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by Paul Davies. Was that book part of your discussions with Mr. Rockefeller?

Secretary Clinton, do you think the American people have a right to know if they are being engaged by non-human, extraterrestrial intelligence?

This letter includes embedded links to hundreds of articles, the Clinton team statements and other resources. It also includes a link to 167 of the key documents obtained via the FOIA confirming the Rockefeller Initiative. I would be happy to hand deliver hard copies of the entire 800+ documents to your office at your convenience.



Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group