PRG Awards

The PRG Awards were created to bring some recognition to the citizen/scientist/activists who have labored for decades against the truth embargo. They were presented at the six X-Conferences held between 2004 and 2010. One of PRG’s regrets is that lack of funds prevented more X-Conferences after 2010 and the awards were suspended.


 Paradigm Research Group  Awards


2010 PRG Awards

Courage in Journalism – Linda Moulton Howe
Political Courage – John Fife Symington, III

Intellectual Courage (John E. Mack Award) – Richard Dolan
Disclosure – Gary Heseltine (UK)
Hall of Fame (posthumous) – Richard Hall
Hall of Fame (living) – A. J. Gevaerd (Brazil)


2009 PRG Awards

Courage in Journalism – George Knapp (bio)
Political Courage – John D. Podesta (bio)
Intellectual Courage (John E. Mack Award) – Dr. Michael Salla (Australia) (bio)
Disclosure – Nick Pope (UK) (bio)
Hall of Fame (posthumous) – Col. Gordon Cooper (bio)
Hall of Fame (living) – Colin Andrews (bio)


2008 PRG Awards

Courage in Journalism – George R. Noory (bio)
Political Courage – Paul T. Hellyer (Canada) (bio)
Intellectual Courage – Dr. John E. Mack (deceasesd) (bio)
Disclosure – Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr. (bio)
Hall of Fame (posthumous) – Laurance S. Rockefeller (bio)
Hall of Fame (living) – Dr. Edgar D. Mitchell (bio)


2007 PRG Awards

Courage in Journalism – Antonio Huneeus (bio)
Political Courage – Frances Emma Barwood (bio)
Disclosure – Capt. Robert Salas (USAF ret.) (bio)
Hall of Fame (posthumous) – Major Donald Keyhoe (bio)


2005 PRG Awards

Courage in Journalism – Jaime Maussan (bio), Billy Cox (bio)
Political Courage – James Earl Carter, Jr.
Disclosure – Monsignor Corrado Balducci (Italy) (deceased) (bio)
Hall of Fame (posthumous) – Dr. James E. McDonald (bio)
Hall of Fame (living) – Walter Andrus, Jr. (bio)


2004 PRG Awards

Courage in Journalism – Sarah McClendon (deceased) (bio)
Political Courage – Congressman Steven Schiff (deceased) (bio)
Disclosure – Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso (deceased) (bio)
Hall of Fame (posthumous) – Dr. J. Allen Hynek (bio)
Hall of Fame (living) – Stanton T. Friedman (Canada) (bio)